Understanding How a Membership Organization Model Works

A person holding balloons and pointing towards Membership Organization Tips

August 23, 2024 | Andrew Lawlor

Running a membership organization is more than just gathering members.

It’s about creating a thriving community that grows, engages, and remains satisfied over time.

But to achieve this — many moving parts have to stay aligned.

Things like clear communication, solid support, and offering exclusive perks are just the beginning.

So, how can a membership organization ensure end-to-end efficiency?

That’s exactly what we discuss in this guide.

From exploring practical tips and insights to choosing the right membership association software, we’ve got you covered.

What is a membership association model?

First things first, let’s cover the basics. Beginning with what a membership association is.

At its core, a membership association is an organization that provides benefits, services, or resources to its members in exchange for a membership fee. These exclusive benefits are accessible only to its membership base – not the general public.

These associations unite people with aligned, strong interests together. They can range from professional organizations and trade associations to nonprofits and community clubs. The purpose usually aligns with a specific interest, profession, or cause.

Membership associations often serve as a hub for networking, professional development, advocacy, and collective action for like-minded individuals or organizations.

More on association membership management here.

Common membership models

Membership models are of various types, depending on the members’ needs, target audience, and stakeholders involved. These are the most common types of membership models are listed below.

  • Individual membership: In this membership model, the association’s members are individuals, often professionals or enthusiasts in a particular field or industry

Example: The American Medical Association (AMA) is a professional association where individual physicians join as members to access resources, advocacy, and networking opportunities

  • Organizational membership: The members of this membership structure are organizations, such as companies, nonprofits, or educational institutions. The organizations then designate representatives to participate in the association’s events

Example: The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) in the manufacturing industry

  • Corporate membership: Similar to organizational memberships, this type of membership structure targets corporations specifically. These offer corporate branding opportunities, networking opportunities, and strategic partnerships to members of specific industries
  • Hybrid membership: This membership structure combines both individual and organizational memberships, where members can join either as individuals or as part of an organization

Example: Another professional association, the American Bar Association (ABA) where both individual lawyers and law firms can become members

Exclusive membership benefits

A well-run membership association offers a range of exclusive benefits, according to the needs of its members.

While each one offers unique perks, a few common ones include:

  • Networking opportunities: Joining a membership association unlocks a door to a room full of potential connections. Members get to mingle with peers, industry leaders, and potential partners who share similar interests, building a close-knit network to help them grow both personally and professionally
  • Professional development: Think of membership associations as personal growth hubs. They often offer workshops, seminars, and certification programs that keep members updated (and ahead) in their field
  • Advocacy and representation: Associations are a voice in the larger conversation, advocating for member interests, influencing policy decisions, and making sure general concerns are heard
  • Exclusive resources: Members get access to various specialized resources. This could be industry reports, research, or tools that you won’t find anywhere else (yes, insider perks!)
  • Discounts and deals: Who doesn’t love a good deal? Membership associations often offer exclusive discounts on everything from products to event tickets. These perks can add up, making the membership valuable and budget-friendly

Networking and collaboration opportunities as perks of joining a membership association.

What are the common challenges that membership organizations face?

Like all other organizations, running a membership association comes with its unique set of challenges.

These are some of the most common ones.

1. Member engagement

Keeping members actively involved and engaged can be tricky, especially as the initial excitement of joining fades. Without conscious efforts to engage members through events, personalized communications, or relevant content, members can feel disconnected, leading to decreased involvement or even membership cancellation

2. Retention

Retaining members year after year requires continuous value delivery and relationship-building. For example, if a membership organization fails to demonstrate ongoing value — such as business development resources or advocacy on key issues — members may choose not to renew, seeking alternatives that better meet their needs

3. Operational efficiency

Managing day-to-day operations, from member registrations to event planning, can be overwhelming without the right tools and processes. For instance, a lack of streamlined processes could result in registration mix-ups or missed communications, negatively affecting member satisfaction

1. Financial sustainability

Most membership organizations make revenue from fluctuating sources like donations and sponsorships. If not managed well, finances can be a stressful factor affecting daily operations

2. Technological adoption

Associations often struggle with integrating and adopting new technologies. Older systems may not sync well with modern tools, leading to inefficiencies and data silos. Additionally, members who are not tech-savvy may find it difficult to navigate online platforms, resulting in lower engagement and satisfaction

3. Competition and market positioning

With the rising popularity of online communities and groups on social media, traditional membership associations might find it difficult to attract new members. If an association doesn’t clearly differentiate itself and demonstrate unique value, it risks losing members to more specialized or modern alternatives

Tips on how a membership association can address these challenges

Understanding the challenges membership associations face is half the battle won.

You can set things right in your organization with the right strategies and tools.

1. Embrace technology for smoother operations

Technology is holding many membership organizations back.

Relying on legacy software and giving into tech debt are some of the biggest tech setbacks.

However, if you’re really looking to improve efficiency at your association, investing in the right technology is the way to go. Here are a few examples:

  • Membership management software: Besides handling administrative tasks, this tool provides a centralized platform for managing all aspects of your membership association. This includes tasks like member registrations, renewals, and communications about upcoming events, programs, etc. These tools reduce manual work, minimize errors, and free up staff time for more strategic activities
  • Data analytics: Regularly analyze member data to identify trends, such as which benefits members are using most or which events have the highest attendance. This can help tailor offerings to meet members’ needs more effectively and optimize resource allocation
  • Automate what you can: Automation is an efficiency booster, especially for routine tasks. For example, you can set up automated emails to welcome new members, remind them about events, or send personalized content based on what they’re interested in. This helps keep your members engaged without you having to constantly keep up with everything

Benefits of using a CRM for membership association management.

Achieve your membership association goals with Aptaria.

2. Optimize engagement for better member experiences

Your membership organization’s success depends on how satisfied your members are. If your member engagement rate is low, here’s how you can fix it.

  • Segment your members: Different members have different needs. So, the same communication won’t work for all. That’s why segmentation is a good idea. You can segment your membership based on criteria like industry, professional level, or interests, and tailor your offerings accordingly.
  • Create a community: Everyone likes to feel like they belong. Create spaces where your members can connect and share ideas —think online presence on LinkedIn groups, private forums, or even a simple Facebook page
  • Solicit feedback: Don’t guess what your members want—ask them! Regular surveys or a quick feedback form after an event can give you the insights you need to keep your offerings spot-on

3. Focus on fine tuning your processes

Getting your processes right is key to smooth operations — it keeps things running smoothly even when you’re busy elsewhere. Here’s how to make it happen:

  • Standardize your processes: Document your routine tasks so that everything runs like a well-oiled machine. It also makes onboarding new staff a breeze simple because they’ll know exactly what to do from day one
  • Use project management tools: Tools like Trello or Asana can be game-changers. They help you keep track of tasks, manage membership programs, set deadlines, and ensure everyone’s on the same page. No more missed deadlines or forgotten to-dos!

4. Outsource to experts when needed

Sometimes, bringing in the pros is a smart business move to put you ahead. For instance, if tech isn’t your strongest suit, consider partnering with brands that can simplify this for you.

Aptaria excels at managing complex tasks like Salesforce implementation, data integration, and customized reporting. So, you can leave these technical challenges to the professionals and focus on what truly matters — engaging your members and driving your organization’s growth.

Check out Aptaria’s industry-wide association management solutions here.

5. Stay financially healthy

To tackle financial sustainability challenges, focus on planning your finances to the tee, including some wiggle room for unexpected costs. Here are some tips to handle finances smartly:

  • Diversify your income: Relying on just one revenue stream is risky, especially on fluctuating streams like donations and sponsorships. Look into other ways to bring in money — like hosting paid events, securing sponsorships, or even selling branded merchandise.
  • Offer tiered memberships: Not everyone wants or needs the same thing. By offering different membership levels, you can appeal to a broader audience and create a more steady revenue stream.
  • Spend where it matters: Keep a close eye on your finances and make sure you’re spending wisely. Prioritize the things that offer the most value to your members—after all, they’re the reason you’re here!

6. Craft strategies to boost member retention

Keeping members around goes beyond what you offer. It also has a lot to do with how you make them feel. Here are some practical pointers:

  • Nail the onboarding process: First impressions matter. For instance, a memorable onboarding process is a great way to start. You can offer a personalized welcome, guide new members through key resources, and check in during their first few weeks to ensure they’re settling in well. It’s all about making them feel they’ve made the right choice
  • Reward loyalty: Your long-term members are your biggest advocates, so it’s crucial to show them you care. Offer perks like exclusive access to events, early registration for popular programs, or even a special badge or recognition in your newsletters
  • Be responsive: Communication is key to retention. When members reach out with questions or concerns, respond promptly (with genuine interest.) Showing that you’re there when they need you strengthens the trust and connection they feel with your association

Member retention as a crucial factor for sustaining and growing a membership organization.

7. Strengthen leadership and governance

Without solid leadership and good governance, even the best strategies can fall flat. When leadership is on point, it keeps your membership organization aligned with its mission and inspires confidence among your members.

Here’s where to start:

  • Build a strong board: A diverse and engaged board can make all the difference. Make sure you have a mix of skills and perspectives to guide your association in the right direction

For instance, if your association is focused on environmental issues, having board members who are experts in sustainability, fundraising, and community outreach can bring a variety and inclusive perspective to the table

  • Plan strategically: Don’t just set goals and forget about them. Regularly revisit your strategic plan to make sure you’re on track and making progress
  • Invest in leadership development: Your staff and members alike can benefit from leadership development opportunities. Whether it’s through training, mentorship, or giving members leadership roles, it’s an investment that pays off. In the long run, it not only strengthens your current leadership but also builds a pipeline of future leaders who are well-prepared to take on bigger roles

Choosing the right membership association software

Picking the right software for your membership association can be tricky. But the bottom line is that it should make things easier for you, your team, and your members.

With so many choices out there, it’s important to find a solution that fits your needs now and can grow with you. Here are some best practices to to keep in mind:

  • Be clear about your needs: Start by listing the features you can’t do without. Do you need something that handles event management, automates renewals, or has a built-in CRM? Being clear on what’s essential will help you focus on the options that truly meet your needs
  • Prioritize user-friendly tools: The software should be easy to use for both your team and your members. If it’s too complicated, it might just sit there gathering dust. Look for a user-friendly and intuitive interface that makes things smooth and straightforward
  • Check for integrations: You don’t want your software to operate in a silo. Make sure it plays well with the tools you’re already using, like your email marketing platform or accounting software. Integration is key to keeping everything running smoothly
  • Think long-term: Your association will grow, and your software should be able to keep up. Choose something that can scale with you, so you’re not stuck searching for new solutions every time you expand
  • Support matters: Even the best software can be frustrating if you can’t figure out how to use it. Make sure there’s strong customer support, good training resources, and maybe even a community forum where you can ask questions and share tips
  • Balance cost and value: While sticking to your budget is important, sometimes spending a little more upfront can save you a lot in the long run. Focus on the value the software will bring to your association, not just the price tag

Our top picks: Four membership solutions to consider

While there are many solutions to choose from in the market, we’ve chosen these four tools for their ease of use, flexibility, and top-grade features.

1. Salesforce

Salesforce is a powerful CRM platform that offers customizable solutions for membership management. It provides comprehensive tools for tracking member interactions, automating processes, and generating insightful reports.

Top features include:

  • Experience Cloud to create personalized member portals, communities, and apps
  • Nonprofit Cloud, specifically designed for nonprofit organizations, offers tools for donor management, grant tracking, and program management
  • Automated workflows to streamline repetitive tasks like renewals and communications with customizable automation
  • Reports and dashboards with customizable reports and real-time dashboards, helping you make data-driven decisions
  • Integration with third-party apps for a comprehensive tech ecosystem

Aptaria is a Salesforce partner, helping membership associations manage and streamline their member base with tailored solutions. These solutions are designed to enhance member engagement, improve retention, and drive growth.

2. Wild Apricot

Designed for small to mid-sized organizations, Wild Apricot offers user-friendly membership management features like event registration, automated renewals, and membership directories for users.

Top features include:

  • Website builder to design and manage a mobile-friendly website with built-in member directories
  • Event registration for simplified event management
  • Membership levels and pricing with automated renewals and pricing options

3. YourMembership

This software provides a suite of tools to manage memberships, events, and communications. It’s known for its ease of use and integration capabilities.

Top features include:

  • Manage events with comprehensive tools for creating and promoting, including virtual and in-person options
  • Member portals that offer personalized content, resources, and community engagement
  • Analytics and reporting to track member engagement, event success, and overall growth metrics

4. ClubExpress

ClubExpress provides a range of features designed for associations and clubs, including membership management, event scheduling, and website integration. It’s particularly well-suited for organizations that need a comprehensive yet cost-effective solution.

Top features include:

  • Integrated event scheduling with online registration, payment processing, and attendance tracking
  • Website builder with customizable templates and member-only content access
  • Proactive support for multi-tier organizations with up to 3 levels

5. Member Space

MemberSpace is a membership management platform. It’s commonly used by smaller organizations, content creators, and businesses that want to monetize their content or provide exclusive access to members.

Top features include:

  • Membership management feature so you can easily manage member accounts and offer different membership tiers
  • Customizable member experience through sign-up flows, member dashboards, and access settings
  • It handles recurring payments, one-time fees, and offers flexible billing options

Over to you

That’s it from our end. Now, it’s action time for you.

When analyzing membership association software, remember that it’s more than just about picking a tool. Think of it as an investment in your organization’s future.

As you evaluate your options, consider the features you need today and how these tools can evolve with your association’s growth. Look for platforms that offer scalability, robust integrations, and the flexibility to adapt to changing member expectations.

Our best advice is to take the time to thoroughly assess your needs. Then, you can leverage the insights from these top picks and choose a solution that will support your association’s vision for years to come.

The right choice can transform how you manage your membership, engage with your community, and achieve your mission.

Have more questions? Reach out to our Aptaria team for answers.

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