6 Ways Nonprofit CRM Software Helps With Better Management

6 Ways Nonprofit CRM Software Helps With Better Management

September 17, 2024 | Andrew Lawlor

Running a nonprofit organization means juggling a lot of moving parts such as donor management, volunteer coordination, and fundraising. These are just to name a few.


Nonprofit CRM software can simplify these tasks by helping organizations engage supporters and run more efficiently. Some of you may be using CRM software already, while others may be considering it for the first time.

However, nonprofits of all sizes struggle to tap into the full potential of their nonprofit CRM features, leaving valuable features underused and data disorganized. This leads to missed opportunities and a lack of measurable ROI.


By properly implementing and optimizing CRM software for nonprofits, organizations can transform how they operate, making every effort count.


What is nonprofit CRM software?


Nonprofit CRM software is your go-to ally for managing donor relationships, volunteer relationships, and anyone else supporting your cause.

It’s designed to help you centralize all your donor data, keep track of interactions, and make sure no one slips through the cracks.

Think of it as a relationship-building powerhouse, not just a sales tool. Aptaria’s donor management solutions offer robust features to streamline your efforts and boost engagement.


Why does a nonprofit need a CRM in the first place?


You’ve got emails, donation records, and event/volunteer details scattered everywhere! Managing all this (and more) can feel like a juggling act without a centralized dashboard.

Nonprofit CRM software brings all of this into one place, making it easier to stay connected with your supporters, increase donations, and keep things running smoothly.


Also read: Top Strategies with CRM for Nonprofits for Campaign Management 


But aren’t CRMs built for for-profit companies?


Sure, CRMs were originally built for businesses, but they’re just as useful for nonprofits.


Platforms like Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud are designed with your specific needs in mind. A nonprofit CRM software can handle it all, from fundraising or grants to managing volunteer efforts.

Moreover, nonprofits of any magnitude from small foundations to large advocacy groups can benefit from these tools.

What does nonprofit CRM software bring to the table?


Nonprofit CRM software isn’t just about organizing data; it’s about making your entire operation smoother and more effective.

Streamline constituent management


No more digging through emails or spreadsheets as a nonprofit CRM software will keep everything in one place, from donor information and volunteer details to all your interactions.


It helps you keep tabs on every touchpoint, so you know exactly when to follow up, what your supporters care about, and how to keep them engaged.


An NGO leader introducing a CRM system and its benefits to team members

Secure data management


While handling sensitive donor and volunteer information, security isn’t optional, it’s a must. 


CRM software for nonprofits will ensure that all your data is stored safely, helping you protect personal and financial information while staying compliant with regulations. Some key features of secure data management include:


  • Encrypted cloud storage: Nonprofit CRM software is majorly hosted on encrypted cloud platforms like Amazon Web Services, keeping data safe from unauthorized access
  • HIPAA and GDPR compliance: CRM systems for nonprofits comply with crucial data privacy laws, like HIPAA for handling health-related data and GDPR for donor privacy in the EU
  • PCI-DSS compliance: Payment processing of credit card and donations becomes possible without breaking a sweat as a secure environment is guaranteed at all times
  • Two-factor authentication (2FA): With this, you can add an extra layer of protection to your data by requiring users to verify their identity with a second authentication method


Boost donation revenue


When you’ve got all your donor database in one CRM solution, it’s much easier to target the right people with the right ask.


Nonprofit CRM software helps you identify patterns, like which donors tend to give during specific campaigns or seasons, so you can personalize your outreach and increase donations. Think of it as your secret weapon for fundraising efforts without more effort.


Save time with automation


It always feels nice (and efficient) to automate recurring tasks and nonprofit CRM software is exactly what will take it off your plate. Here are the top nonprofit CRM software features to help with automation:


  • Automate donor acknowledgments: Set up a direct mail to automatically send personalized thank-you emails to new donors or major donors
  • Track event registration and attendance: Automatically log attendees, send event reminders, and follow up post-event
  • Schedule regular reports: Receive key metrics on fundraising, volunteer efforts, and engagement without manual tracking


Nonprofit staff manually sending emails for donations and fundraising without a CRM system

Grow your online community


The more connected your supporters feel, the more likely they are to stay engaged and keep giving.


Nonprofit CRM software will help you expand your reach by making it easier to engage with supporters online.


Whether it’s through email marketing, social media, or targeted outreach, good CRM software for nonprofits lets you build a community that’s excited to support your cause and fundraising efforts.


Improved reporting for smarter decisions


Better reporting means better decisions, and ultimately, better outcomes for your organization. Nonprofit CRM software centralizes all your data by making the task of reporting a breeze. 


You can generate detailed reports on everything from fundraising to volunteer hours. It will give you clear insights into what’s working and where you can improve.

You’ll also want to read how Cliff Spilitz (ex-Salesforce) became a part of Aptaria to boost its nonprofit commitment.


5 best practices to remember when using a nonprofit CRM software


Getting the right CRM is only half the battle. To truly maximize its value, you need to use it the right way.

Here are 5 steps to ensure you get the most out of your nonprofit CRM software.


1. Maintain


Keeping your data clean and up-to-date is crucial for effective communication.

We recommend you make it a habit to review your data regularly to remove duplicates, update contact information, and ensure accuracy.

This consistency can lead to better insights, smoother operations, and improved engagement with supporters.


2. Train


The better your team members understand, the more value you’ll get from it.

So, invest in thorough training for your nonprofit CRM software to ensure everyone knows how to use the system efficiently.

Consequently, this one step will help reduce errors and save time in the long run.


3. Automate


We can’t emphasize enough that automation is your friend when it comes to reducing manual work.

So, feel free to send acknowledgment emails to track donations and generate reports by simply setting up workflows for everything.


4. Segment


Categorizing your supporters is important. You can create targeted segments based on donation history, volunteer involvement, or engagement levels with your nonprofit CRM features.

This allows you to personalize communication and provide relevant content to each group, building stronger relationships and increasing donor loyalty.


5. Monitor


Nonprofit CRM software comes with reporting tools that are key to tracking success.

We recommend you to regularly review metrics like the performance of your marketing campaigns, donor retention, and volunteer engagement.


By monitoring these, you can adjust strategies as needed to ensure continuous improvement and better results over time.


Wrapping It Up


Investing in nonprofit CRM software is one of the smartest moves an organization can make.


It will come to your aid while creating a system that supports growth, engagement, and efficiency.


When utilized effectively, nonprofit CRM software will allow your organization to focus more on the mission and less on the logistics of managing relationships and data.


Aptaria, as a certified Salesforce partner, specializes in helping nonprofits implement Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud and customizes it to fit the unique needs of each organization. 


Whether you’re managing donors, volunteers, or grants, Aptaria can help you get the most out of your CRM, so you can focus on what matters the most for you: making a difference.


FAQs: Nonprofit CRM Software


1. What is the difference between CRM and donor management system?

A donor management software or system focuses solely on tracking donations and donor interactions, while a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system offers a broader range of features, including volunteer management, event tracking, and communication tools, making it more versatile for nonprofit needs.


2. What is the most commonly used CRM software right now?

Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud is one of the most commonly used CRM platforms for nonprofits. It’s customizable, scalable, and specifically designed to meet the needs of organizations managing donor relations, volunteers, and programs.


3. What benefits does a CRM system offer to an organization?

A CRM helps nonprofits streamline operations, improve donor engagement, track communications, automate routine tasks, and make data-driven decisions. These benefits lead to more efficient processes, better fundraising results, and stronger relationships with supporters.

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