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About Aptaria

What to Expect from Aptaria

Salesforce Integration & Customization

At Aptaria, we tailor our process to build a Salesforce system that accommodates your needs.
Here’s what you can expect when you work with us.

A visual of laptop with graphical cloud integration symbols surrounding it
Step 1: Getting to Know Your Business or Organization

First, we conduct a business process review (BPR). Whether you want to switch to Salesforce CRM or expand your existing Salesforce system, we’ll immerse our team in the details of your business or organization.

We’ll hold one or several meetings with your stakeholders in order to:

  • Learn everything about your current process and CRM system.
  • Talk with you about what’s working and what’s not.
  • Discuss how a tailored Salesforce solution could make your processes more efficient.

Upon completion of the review, we will capture a prioritized list of use-cases that illustrate the capabilities needed from your solution.

Step 2: Salesforce Construction & Configuration

From there, we’ll construct your Salesforce solution through Aptaria’s Agile software development methodology to meet the goals we established together. An Agile approach means we’re setting and meeting deadlines while regularly incorporating your feedback into our work. We’ll give you regular progress updates.

A certified Salesforce consultant will manage the project and serve as your main point of contact. We might also bring on a Salesforce developer and a UX designer, depending on your specific needs. Our team will ensure that your data and UI elements work together to create a smooth user experience for your customers and staff.

Next, if needed, we will migrate your data into Salesforce. Our developers will clean and validate any information so that it fits into the new system and gives you accurate insights.

Then, we will create the reports and dashboards you need to stay on track. For example, we can set up alerts to notify stakeholders if key business indicators go outside of expected boundaries.

Step 3: Approval & Training

After completing construction of your  Salesforce solution, we will bring our implementation to you for final approval. Our team will go through a testing process with users to ensure that the Salesforce system meets your needs and achieves the goals we agreed upon at the beginning.

Before launch, we’ll conduct training for your organization. Our goal is to ensure that target users can successfully use our implementation. We’ll motivate your audience to adopt Salesforce by showing how the system can make their processes easier.

Step 4: After Launch: Support and Expansion

After your system goes live, we’ll be available for continued training and instruction.

Designed for future-friendly updates that won’t break features, Salesforce CRM typically requires little or no outside support. However, if you have any questions or run into unforeseen problems, our team is here to help.

Aptaria can help you unlock the full potential of Salesforce at your own pace by expanding into multiple cloud products.

We’re proud of many long-term client partnerships with companies and nonprofit organizations that began with one Salesforce cloud and then added others.

For example, you might start out with a transition to Sales Cloud from a legacy CRM. After a few months of adjustment, you might decide that you need to add a Salesforce Community to engage your customers, partners, or members.

Or you might want to add Service Cloud to more effectively ensure your customers are happy with your product or service.

Marketing Cloud can be added to accelerate client or volunteer acquisition and engagement.

Here’s what you can expect from an Aptaria Salesforce AMS solution:

New and Sustainable Growth:

Many associations and member-based organizations depend on Aptaria’s AMS solutions to grow their membership and maintain deep relationships with their membership base.

Automated Operations:

Streamline operations by automating membership dues, renewals, and membership-level transitions, and many more critical tasks.

Better Use of Resources:

Eliminate spreadsheets, manual work, errors, and revenue leakage.

Improved Member Services:

Help members realize critical industry and career value through peer collaboration on Aptaria AMS solutions.

Increase Member Participation:

Watch association committee participation grow while also being run much more efficiently.

Improve Overall Value for Members:

Increase lifetime value (LTV) for members through increased commerce, event participation, training, and certification.

Expanded, Streamlined Revenue Streams:

Enjoy revenue growth from event sponsorship through automated processes.

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Whatever your challenge or goal, Aptaria can create a tailored solution that works best for you.

Aptaria’s association management system (AMS) solutions are thoughtfully planned and designed to improve processes, orchestrate sustainable growth, and increase member participation and satisfaction.

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